Honouring and Affirming Mizrahi and Sepharadi Ancestry
HAMSA (Honouring & Affirming Mizrahi and Sepharadi Ancestry) at the MNjcc aims to do just that. We’ve launched a new hub for folks who come from ancestral lines that are often overlooked and underserved in mainstream Jewish communities. This includes Mizrahi and Sepharadi people as well as many other communities such as Bene Israel and Beta Israel. Our programming spotlights folks from these ancestral traditions, offering opportunities to teach and learn about different Jewish practices, meet others and build community, and make space for our food, art, holidays, ritual, language, and more.

American Ladino League - https://americanladinoleague.org/
The American Ladino League (ALL) supports the diverse and growing community of Ladino speakers and educators in the United States. We believe in opening Ladino studies to all who are interested. Whatever your background, whatever your goals, our suite of programs and resources will help you on your Ladino journey.
Jewish Language Project - https://www.jewishlanguages.org/
Wherever Jews have lived around the world, they have spoken and written in language distinct from their non-Jewish neighbors. Because of migrations and other historical events, many of these languages are on the verge of extinction, and most Jews today are unaware of their existence. The Jewish Language Project addresses these problems through our websites, online events, videos, and educational social media posts. We have also convened organizations and scholars to document endangered Jewish languages and created collaborative dictionaries for emerging Jewish languages.
Jewtina y Co. - https://jewtina.org/
Jewtina y Co. aims to nurture Latin-Jewish community, identity, leadership and resiliency. We envision a world in which the global Jewish and Latin communities work together to celebrate their multicultural stories.
JIMENA - https://www.jimena.org/
JIMENA was created by former Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa who desired to share their personal stories and rich culture with college students, policy makers and North American Jewish communal and lay leaders. Our programs aim to ensure that the accurate history of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews is incorporated into mainstream Jewish and Middle Eastern narratives in order to create balance in attitudes, narratives, and discourse about Middle Eastern refugees and the modern Jewish experience.
Kol Boker - https://www.kolboker.com/
Guided by the belief that fostering a love for tradition is paramount, Matan Boker is committed to creating meaningful musical experiences that connects individuals to the timeless beauty of Judaism at every major milestone. With over 8 years experience in public Torah reading (Ba'al Koreh), Jewish education and cantorial services; let Matan’s voice and knowledge add to your occasion. Matan offers Bnei Mitzvah classes, singing for weddings and memorial services, and one-on-one Torah chanting classes.
Mimouna Association - https://mimouna.org/
A cultural non-profit association created by young Muslim students to promote and preserve the Jewish-Moroccan heritage. The Association has since expanded these activities on a national level in order to engage in the education of the Moroccan youth about the Moroccan jewish heritage. One of the founding principles of the Association is to reclaim the cultural diversity of Morocco through its history. Mimouna would like to contribute to the preserving and strengthening of the plural Moroccan identity.
The Mizrahi Archive - https://www.instagram.com/the_mizrahi_archive/
An online archive for the visual histories of Middle Eastern and North African, Ethiopian, and Indian Jews
No Silence on Race - https://www.nosilenceonrace.ca/
No Silence on Race is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for inclusive Jewish spaces in Canada that reflect the rich cultural and ethnic diversity present within our communities and throughout our diasporic histories.
Sephardic Mizrahi Q Network - https://smqn.squarespace.com/
An innovative grassroots movement committed to building a vibrant, enriching, and supportive community for LGBTQ+ Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews.
Sephardic U - https://sephardicu.com/
A vibrant community dedicated to celebrating and preserving the rich heritage of Sephardic Jews. Rooted in chesed, optimism, and a spirit of inclusiveness, our approach to religion and life is characterized by warmth, hospitality, and a deep connection to our ancient roots. At Sephardic U, our mission is to empower Sephardic Jews, fostering a renaissance of the Sephardic spirit and strengthening the bonds that unite us. We are committed to preserving our rich heritage, celebrating our enduring traditions, and providing a platform that promotes inclusivity and engagement.
Yad Mizrah Magazine - https://www.yadmizrahmag.com/issue2
Yad Mizrah (יד מזרח) is a newly-founded literary, arts, and culture magazine, based in Jerusalem, devoted to promoting and celebrating Mizrahi and Sephardic literary culture and work. It is the first and only contemporary English-language literary magazine rooted in Sephardic and Mizrahi literary tradition.
Henna with HAMSA: Exploring Coming of Age Traditions - Saturday, Mar 1, 7-9 pm
Join HAMSA for an exploration of coming-of-age traditions across Sepharadi and Mizrahi communities. We'll explore a variety of celebrations while learning how to design and draw henna art. We'll have snacks, music, and a special chance to celebrate any 12-13 year olds who are coming of age in the HAMSA community.
HAMSA Imagery & Amulets - Sunday, May 25, 4-6 pm
Join HAMSA as we learn about symbols and iconography used on protective amulets throughout the Sepharadi and Mizrahi world. We will decorate our own mezuzah case (a small rectangle case filled with a scroll that can be attached to a doorframe, said to protect the home) inspired by this imagery.