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  • Swimmers must take a shower before entering the pool. Their body must be visibly wet; their hair must be visibly soaked unless they are wearing a bathing/shower cap.

  • No person infected with a communicable disease or having open sores on his or her body shall enter the pool

  • No person shall bring a glass bottle/container onto the deck or into the pool

  • No person shall pollute the water in the pool in any manner and spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the pool or on the deck are prohibited

  • No person shall engage in boisterous play in or about the pool

  • The maximum number of bathers permitted on the deck and in the pool must be followed at all times

  • Swimmers must follow all rules set by the lifeguard

  • Please refrain from taking photos and videos unless you have received authorization from the MNjcc

  • Bags are prohibited on the pool deck and may only be brought into the viewing gallery. Please secure all personal belongings in the change room lockers.


Rec swim is now available on Fridays, Saturdays and Sunday afternoons. Our guidelines for Rec Swim can be found here

Pool Schedule


While we can’t always guarantee when we can provide more lane space, we always try to make the best use of space possible. We value our members and want you to know that whenever possible, we'll add an extra lane or two.

We all know that swimming is a fantastic exercise. It works for muscle groups all over your body and is great for helping develop both your strength and your endurance. It’s also an important life skill to keep practising, and lane swimming is the ideal environment to train yourself to become an even stronger swimmer. You never know when you might need it. Lane swimming is also a fantastic training ground for swimmers who may take part in amateur events, such as open water swims, triathlons, etc. Regular lane swimming sessions help burn fat and build muscle. This is all because of the extra resistance the water places on your body. Water offers six times as much resistance as air, meaning you need to put six times as much effort into moving yourself through it than you do through air and it’s this resistance that makes lane swimming such great exercise. This extra resistance that water offers, however, is also great for helping you avoid, or recover from, injury. This is because it supports the joints and it means that there’s no impact going through them, meaning you’re much less likely to contract an injury while exercising, while it also helps you build up strength after an injury without the risk of making it worse.  

Lane Swim


Recreational Swim
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