Shabbat Song Circle - Fridays (monthly) until Jun 27, 10:30-11:30 am
PJ Library and the MNjcc invite you to celebrate Shabbat at the J! For children ages 0-4 with their grown-ups. Join the MNjcc’s Lauren Schreiber Sasaki and friends from the Downtown Jewish Community Friday mornings every month to celebrate Shabbat, family and community. Children and their grown-ups are invited to connect to each other and Jewish wisdom through songs, stories, movement and reflection. Challah and grape juice provided!​
Na’aleh is a collective of Jewish mindfulness practitioners and leaders who are building a Jewish mindfulness community in Toronto and surrounding areas.
Our team is excited to launch our first series—an arc of four programs offered throughout this year, 5785 (2024-2025), each delving into mindfulness practices and Jewish spiritual wisdom to prepare for an upcoming Jewish holiday.
Upcoming dates:
Entering - Sunday, Mar 2, 10 am-4 pm at Beth Tzedec
Har/Mountain - Thursday, May 29, 7-9:30 pm at MNjcc
Restorative Creativity (16+) - Saturdays: Jan 18, Feb 15, Mar 15, 2-4 pm
Shabbat is a great time to slow down and get closer to the world around you, to engage your senses and your sense of wonder by observing and processing our experiences through mark- and art-making. Using the Jewish Studio Process, we’ll gather in textual inquiry and art-making, ground ourselves with restorative creativity, let our minds wander with materials in hand, and nourish ourselves with deep play. ​
Purim Comedy Show: Manger’s Megilleh - Thursday, Mar 20, 1:30-3 pm
When the great Yiddish poet Itzik Manger created his famous Megilleh Cycle, he transported the Book of Esther characters from ancient Persia to his 1937 Warsaw. Borrowing from the medieval epic style, Manger integrated living folk poetry with a forgotten literary tradition, and his inclusion of additional characters added a brilliant comic/tragic element to the Purim story. During Manger’s lifetime, his poems were put to music and staged with great success in Tel Aviv in 1967. Janie Respitz brings these characters alive in a one woman show, complete with English narration and the original Yiddish songs. We’ll have humentashen and prizes for best costumes – so put on a Purim outfit and join in the fun! Generously co-sponsored by the UJA Committee for Yiddish. Presented in partnership with the Yiddish Vinkl and Grodzinski Bakery.
Jewish& Passover in Song Workshop - Wednesday, Apr 9, 7-9 pm
Description coming soon!
Yiddish Passover Song Workshop - Sunday, Apr 6, 2-4 pm
With Yiddish entertainer Janie Respitz, Co-presented by the UJA Committee for Yiddish
As we begin to prepare for Peysakh, we will read, translate, and sing some wonderful Yiddish Passover songs, examining their historical, political and educational value. All materials and song sheets will be provided in Yiddish and English transliterations, so you can easily incorporate them into your Seder’s song repertoire. Prior knowledge of Yiddish is not required. Kosher refreshments will be served. Generously co-sponsored by the UJA Committee for Yiddish. Presented in partnership with the Yiddish Vinkl.
Restorative Creativity (16+) - Saturdays: Apr 26, May 17, Jun 21, 2-4 pm
Shabbat is a great time to slow down and get closer to the world around you, to engage your senses and your sense of wonder by observing and processing our experiences through mark- and art-making. Using the Jewish Studio Process, we’ll gather in textual inquiry and art-making, ground ourselves with restorative creativity, let our minds wander with materials in hand, and nourish ourselves with deep play. ​
Tikkun Leil Shavuot - Sunday, June 1, 6 pm - 6 am
More information to come.