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Special Programs
The Gallery at the J

Beyond Borders: United Canadian-Israeli Communities Through Art


About the exhibit

Beyond Borders celebrates the artistic talents of local Canadian-Israeli artists. The diversity of the Israeli community in Toronto is reflected in the differences in mediums, materials, and subjects as chosen by the artists. These rich and vibrant pieces invite the viewer to explore the similarities and differences between each piece and the influence of heritage within their work. Above all, the exhibit presents the opportunity to explore and enjoy artwork that knows no borders. â€‹Participating artists: Yaara Eshet, Julia Gonen, Svetlana Gorzhaltsan and Hannah Pinthus Rotchild. 


About the Jewish Agency for Israel

From founding and building the State of Israeli to planting and nurturing the seeds of friendship between Jewish communities separated by distance, since 1929, the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAI) has been working to secure a vibrant Jewish future for generations to come. JAI builds living bridges to the shared homeland, one heart at a time, by bringing Israeli emissaries to communities throughout the US and Canada and by fostering partnerships between cities.


This exhibit runs from July 4-31, 2024.

Beyond Borders - Gallery  - Insta+Wix.png


Call for Submissions

The Gallery at the J is seeking artists and partner organizations to participate in our 2024 season! We are attracted to artwork that tells a story. We want our viewers to experience a journey - yours and theirs. 


Artists and organizations are asked to examine universal values through a Jewish lens. Each month has been assigned a theme/subject which represent a selection of our core principles. Please carefully review the criteria before submitting. (We acknowledge the additional themes associated with months of the year such as Asian Heritage Month and Black History Month. If there are themes and subjects you are not seeing that you feel we should include, please write to for future consideration)   


Please click these links for additional information:







Restorative Creativity (16+) - Saturdays: 2-4 pm

Shabbat is a great time to slow down and get closer to the world around you, to engage your senses and your sense of wonder by observing and processing our experiences through mark- and art-making. Using the Jewish Studio Process, we’ll gather in textual inquiry and art-making, ground ourselves with restorative creativity, let our minds wander with materials in hand, and nourish ourselves with deep play. 


Upcoming Dates:

Sept 21

Oct 19

Nov 16

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